I am a qualified Person-Centred Counsellor and Certified Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) practitioner. I am particularly interested in how I can combine my skills as a therapist with my knowledge and experience of yoga to create a more holistic approach.
In England I worked for 12 years as a Specialist Counsellor in various Eating Disorders services across Merseyside. I also worked for several years as an in-house Counsellor in GP surgeries working with clients suffering from anxiety, depression, grief, and relationship issues.
I have a passion for working with people with emotional eating issues and anxiety.
Experiencing these issues in my own life has made me a lot more empathic and understanding of how others may be struggling and provided me with lots of helpful tools too. The form that an eating disorder takes varies from person to person but there appears to be a common desire that I believe underlies many people’s obsessions and compulsions around food and their bodies.
I believe that desire is for deeper, more authentic, wholehearted connection.
I am available to offer short term counselling and support either via sessions online or in person at the Douglas Yoga Centre, Cork (Ireland).
“Perhaps the key to connection has nothing to do with changing our bodies or what we eat. Perhaps the key to connection begins with giving ourselves permission to be who we really are and allowing our true selves to be seen.”

In 2018 I became a Certified Eating Freely Therapist.
Eating Freely is the world’s leading network of Binge Eating, Emotional Eating and Bulimia Specialists.
I am thrilled to be part of the team and looking forward to bringing this program to more clients in Cork who are struggling with emotional eating, binge eating or bulimia.
About the program:
Eating Freely is a highly structured program with loads of supports included to help you get on track, and STAY on track – physically, mentally and emotionally.
Using a combination of CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy), Neuroscience and Mindfulness throughout the program Eating Freely gives you a great toolbox of resources you can begin using straight away, and continue to build on after we finish our work together.
The program will enable you to;
– REDUCE episodes of Bingeing and Emotional Eating;
– REHABILITATE your gut and health through Nutritional Therapy;
– RESET your brain (!), by teaching you about Autopilots, Habit Loops and more so you can BREAK the patterns of overeating, binge eating and eating in response to stress;
and finally
– RE-PROGRAM that negative critical voice in your head, to become kinder, more supportive and far more motivational – because really, how has that voice been working out for you up until now?
What a gift to give yourself this year, the gift of true FREEDOM around food, FOREVER!
If you’d like to know more about the program: visit the website.